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Big Mushy Happy Lump (Sarah’s Scribbles, #2) by Sarah Anderson

5/5 stars

Sarah Anderson is back with an all new Sarah Scribbles collection and it has just as much brutal honesty and hilarious doodles as Adulthood is a MythAbout half way through the book, you get a little insight into Sarah’s mind and how it feels to be ambushed by issues such as overthinking, social anxiety, and poor self esteem. Not to be weighted down by them, however, are Sarah’s fantastic ways she copes. Her quips and stories on the internet, cats, sweaters, and life as a millennial hit just as spot on in Big Mushy Happy Lump as her last collection. And, of course, the cover is fuzzy :3

If you want to check out more of Sarah’s work, you can find her website here.

Her illustrations are pretty fantastic, too.